GARBSEN. A Chinese delegation of government and business representatives from the province of Zhejiang visited the city of Garbsen on the past Monday as part of their visit to Germany. The guests from fareast were aiming to discover the location in the north of Hanover and were especially anxious to get to know „The Hanover Centre for Production Technology“ (PZH) and the new campus for mechanical engineering of the University Hanover, which is currently in construction there. Mayor Mr. Dr. Christian Grahl and Marc-André Dittrich of the institute for manufacturing mechanics at the PZH welcomed the delegates in the early afternoon. After some introductory words, colleagues of Dr. K&K ChinaConsulting supported the increasing efforts on both sides to communicate with each other on the topic of innovation management. The warm welcoming through the city of Garbsen; the expert opinions of the German hosts; the presentation of the modern machinery on location; as well as the current insights on ongoing scientific projects provided a great foundation for enthusiasm and lively discussions.

The main focus of the visit was the work of the „Institute for Manufacturing Mechanics „and the actitivites of the I“nstitute for Transport- and Automation Mechanics“, which is currently overseen by Mr. Prof. Dr. Overmeyer. Experts of the institutes illustrated their work with hands-on presentations showcasing the innovative machinery on site. The PZH is again proving to be taking a leading role in the official strategy of the University of Hanover to emphasize international exchange in any form. The province of Zhejiang advanced to become one of the richest and economically strongest provinces on China’s east coast. Just in May, the PZH already welcomed high-ranking government officials of the „China Association for Quality“ from Beijing in their facilities. The continueing professional and intercultural exchange paves the way for future cooperations and plays a crucial role in the process of the convergence of global businesses and the academic landscape. In addition, the business location Garbsen was able to make a great first impression on the Chinese guests. The reason for that not leastly being the enthusiastic words of Mayor Grahl.

<a href=““><img class=“wp-image-884 size-full“ src=““ alt=“IMG_1518″ width=“4032″ height=“3024″ /></a> Employees of the PZH, Dr. K&K ChinaConsulting with Mayor Grahl and the Chinese guests from Zhejiang.

<a href=““><img class=“wp-image-886 size-full“ src=““ width=“4032″ height=“3024″ /></a> Mayor Dr. Christian Grahl and Marc-André Dittrich content with the visit at the PZH.



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