HANNOVER. 07.14.2016. A group of Chinese investors found their way from Berlin to Hanover on the past wednesday to engage in talks with the University of Hanover. The Chinese delegation of the Shanghai Jingyuen Investment Co. Ltd. is searching for partners to cooperate with companies and organisations in relation to a a new national innovation-zone that is being build in the Zhangjiang district of Shanghai. Accompanied by employees of Dr. K&K ChinaConsulting the Chinese guests visited the Insitute of Multiphase Processes (IMP) and the Bureau for International Affairs of the University Hanover. Additionally, the delegation was able to a enjoy a guided tour through the new technical information library.

Besides by the architectural highlights at the Welfenschloss, the University’s main building, the Chinese guests showed themselves especially impressed by the research methods related to biomedical engineering at the IMP. Numerous questions led to a lively discussion with chief engineer Tim Rittinghaus. In the evening, the Chinese investors took their positive impressions from Hannover back to Berlin before they leave to China on Friday. Amongst other things, the company representatives held furthergoing talks with the Fraunhofer institute of production technology in Berlin.


The Chinese delegation alongside Tim Rittinghaus at the IMP.

Tim Rittinghaus guides the Chinese guests through the laboratories.


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