Frau2As a corporate consultancy focusing China, we are also moved by global future issues, besides our consulting practice. The fourth industrial revolution is gaining power in discussion concerning politics, society and economy – but not only in Germany with the concept Industry 4.0 it in is becoming increasingly important; with the counterpart made in China in 2025  digitization, automation and flexibility of production and work processes also China is deeply touched.  Looking for innovation, competition and location advantages, and other resource optimization, our think tank activities and the work on scientific discourses are valuable contributions to our clients. Furthermore, as a consulting company, we place much value on our own contribution to scientific discourse and to disseminate the latest findings.

Due to our academic claim, we publish and regularly distribute thematic essays, opinion posts and comprehensive analyzes and reports with respect to the dynamic cultural and economic region of China and its role in a global economy and society. Chinas plans to put the spotlight on sustainability and corporate social responsibility are increasing in the focus of research and industry. The global strategy project China’s Silk Road 2.0 ( „One Belt, One Road“) requires from us to look at current analyzes from different angles in order to provide assessments of future developments and to identify market opportunities or development needs of organizations and enterprises.

Closely linked to social change are the cultural and demographic changes in China and in Germany. Transparent change management and an authentic recruitment and promotion as well as fair company succession plans will increasingly determine the success and sustainability of companies. Communication issues such as good reputation management, credible CSR or the quality handling of social media are therefore important for us, and accompanying research areas. We pay attention to an optimal balance between topics from the fields of management and communication and technology. And we know that technological innovations without changes in the structure of organization and communication can seldom be successfully implemented.

To be one step ahead of these future topics, we cooperate with educational institutions such as the Produktionstechnisches Zentrum Hannover, the University of Hanover and the Zukunftsinstitut.

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