The ethical principles of our company function as guidelines. They show on which values the internal and external representation, as well as the daily conduct of our business at T&B ChinaConsulting is based on. These guidelines represent a shared conviction built on our company culture. They help us to act more successfully every day.

Four main principles guide our work:


We stand at the side of our partners, as well as we stand to our word as a business partner. For us, reliability equals acting cooperatively. It demands the ability to identify with the projects and companies of our partners and requires a maximum effort to maintain confidentiality while working with valuable resources.

Efficiency & Effectiveness

Efficient and effective measures create success. As a business we strive for efficiency of resources and processes. We create high-quality solutions and understand our results not as endpoints but milestones.


We embrace our roots to strengthen our work as a business. But our concepts and solutions are looking ahead. We understand that every step to achieve success can also be a cornerstone for long-term growth. We adhere to our own ethical standards. For us, sustainability is defined by the continuous success of our partners and the healthy growth of our society.

Innovation & Progress

Our academic claim and our contributions to scientific discourses assure us access to the most future relevant fields of study. Our consultation is forward looking and builds upon the newest scientific findings from university and businesses.

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